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Crepe Leaf Fairy Ink | 皱叶仙墨

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3. Dear customer, we are the most professional merchant from China. There are many other styles in our factory, if you need, please contact us!
4. You are welcome to come to wholesale, the wholesale price will get more discounts!
WhatsApp: +86 13027697313
Email: succulentsland@gmail.com
Aeonium arboreum, or Tree Aeonium/Black Rose, is a versatile succulent from the Canary Islands, now grown globally. Noted for its rosette-shaped leaves, they turn deep purple or black with enough light, but stay green in lower light. This plant, with stems that can reach up to 1 meter and small yellow spring flowers, is beginner-friendly due to its environmental adaptability, drought-resistance, and low nutrient requirements. It can thrive in both cold and hot conditions.